Born to Roar: Lions’ and Tigers’ Fearsome Roars Are Due to Their Unusual Vocal Cords
Thursday December 08th 2011, 7:19 AM
Filed under: Uncategorized

When lions roar, it’s like a baby crying for attention. Big cats also roar to claim terrritory. Lions’ vocal folds have a flat, square shape. Their vocal cords can withstand strong stretching and shearing. Roaring is just saying that they want attention.

I thought that how when they roar its just like a baby crying for attention. I always thought that it was a defensive thing. why would something so fearsome be for getting attenttion? That is why I chose this article.

Science Today
Wednesday October 12th 2011, 2:36 AM
Filed under: Uncategorized

Title: A New Species of  ‘Gigantic’ Mollusc Has Been Discovered in the Antarctic Waters

 Date: October 8, 2011


Spanish researchers have discovered a very large mollusc that looks like a very common limpet but in a much bigger size. The molluscwas found in an area where its species is not usually found. The researchers found the specimen in waters of 600 meters deep in the Bellingshausen Sea in the Antarctica. “Named Zeidora Antarctica, this 14 millimetre long specimen is much bigger than members of the same genus, who are not normally longer than 5 millimetres.” Cristian Aldea, co-author of the study, explains that “this genus belongs to a group which we know very little about. This group is made up of 14 species of which very few specimens have found.” they found the specimen when they were on the BENTART expedition. The specimen is being displayed at the Madrid’s National Natural History Museum

What you found most interesting about the article and why (4-6 sentences)

I think it is extremely interesting that this ‘Mollusc’ was found in shuch an odd place. It’s quite incredible that this specimen is 14
millimetre long. How did it get so big?????? It’s cool that it was found in Antarctica.